As of the end of October, I’m up to 147 books for the year (12 this month, of those 3 were fiction/9 were non-fiction). 2 were from my TBR pile bringing me up to 74 TBR for the year, roughly 50% of total. The book that spent the longest on my TBR before reading was The Library at Mount Char, since June 2017. I didn’t get a lot of personal reading done, but I finished all my remaining school reading for the semester.
- Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great (paperback, non-fiction).
- A Barnstormer in Oz (paperback, fiction, TBR 11-18-2017). I loved this book when I was a kid – I read it so much that I remember some very distinct plot points, even decades later. But I can’t say it aged well – there were some gross/sexist/misogynistic undertones (and overtones) going on.
- CompTIA Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals (paperback, non-fiction). Yay school.
- Thinking in an Emergency (ebook, non-fiction).
- Cookies and Clairvoyance (ebook, fiction).
- The Unkindest Tide (hardcover, fiction). Toby’s story has been building to this for a long, long time, and wow did I scream, holler, and cry at this book. Ten years of Toby, and Seanan just keeps knocking it out of the park.
- User Stories Applied: For Agile Software Development (paperback, non-fiction).
- The Library at Mount Char (ebook, fiction, TBR 6-4-2017). If I still had a “weird and fucked up” shelf on Goodreads, this would be on it.
- Data Science for Business: What You Need to Know About Data Mining and Data-Analytic Thinking (paperback, non-fiction). This book is what I expected my Data Analytics course to cover. It didn’t, so I’m glad I read this.
- Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm (ebook, non-fiction).
- Ethics for the Information Age (ebook, non-fiction).
- Information Security Principles and Practices (ebook, non-fiction).
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